Saturday, November 8, 2014


Roger used to win every tournament before He was getting illness from mono virus in 2008. it's very unfortunate for Roger Federer the very dominant player suddenly struck by the illness in the meantime all time number 2 player Nadal who was dominated by Federer all the time got extremely lucky to get chances due to federer being ill. had Roger not have mono virus, He would have won over 45 slams by now surely. he was that dominant before he got sick.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Nadal fans keep spreading nonsense that deny the common sense that illness affect the person.

You are a typical nadal fans who spread bullshit lie that Roger perform poorly due to the illness is not because of the illness but Nadal got better lol.... sure nadal got better when Roger was sick...what a coincidence....stop lying and deny...Roger's poor performance after getting illness of course very obvious..Roger used to win every tournaments before he got sick..Why do I have to even say the common sense that illness or injury affect one's performance?!? because Nadal fans deny the common sense to spread the lie that they created... by the way competition got a lot weaker with Roger's illness, Nadal being injured and slowed down and Davydenko who dominated Nadal on hard court was getting old....If it is for Nadal, Illness doesn't affect person right?!? cold flu might not affect you anyway if it is for your master nadal...Federer who used to win every tournaments after illness have hard time to win even one tournament has nothing to do with the illness because I can even deny the common sense for my master Nadal...  lol Nadal fans are the biggest bullshit liers ever!

according to nadal fans, illness has no affect on one's health for my master Nadal not even when far dominant player who used to win every tournaments struggles to win even one tournament due to illness, and sun rises from west for our master Nadal yeah right!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

when Roger was healthy he beat Rafa all the time(comment)

its because Roger was getting ill from mono virus in 2008. before roger was getting sick, Roger dominated Rafa 6-2 after he got used to rafa's unusual style and lead Rafa in all surfaces except for clay. Nadal is extremely lucky that the king of tennis Roger got sick from mono virus in 2008 and decline. when Roger was healthy, he dominated Nadal and win all tournaments. It's only ill Roger and era of after Roger was getting ill, which Nadal is dominating and that is only because Nadal's unusual style with left hand. If Nadal has regular style, He cannot beat  even ill Roger. Roger's talent and skill is one level above top players.

모노바이러스로 아프고 나이까지 먹었는데 저래 잘하면....(영문)

진짜 실력은얼마나 대단하다는 거냐...페더러가 모노 걸리기전에는 모든대회를 다 휩쓸었꼬 조코비치나달따위는 상대도 안됐었찌...만약 페더러가 모노 바이러스에 안걸렸다면, 계속 모든 대회를 휩쓸었을테고 지금쯤이면 최소 그랜드슬램 40개는 먹었을텐데 아쉽다 갑자기 찾아온 질병때문에....2008년 이후의 이시대는 테니스 황제 페더러 아프고 난 세댄데 아프고 난 세대에서도 아픈 상태에서도 저래 잘하니...ᄃᄃᄃ 갑자기 다 테니스 황제 로저 페더러에게 바이러스가 찾아오다니 그냥 너무 슬프고 아쉬울뿐이다.....내생각에는 하느님께서 페더러가 너무 다 이기닌깐 2인자인 선수인 나달에게도 페더러가 아픈 틈타서 좀 이기라고, 페더러에게 질병을 주신듯하다...

roger after declining so much with mono virus plus aging can still beat the best player in this generation of after roger's  illneess..... how good roger actually is?!? before roger suffered from mono virus, Roger Federer win every tournaments he entered and djoko and nadal was no match withhealthy Roger Federer...imagine if Roger had not been ill from mono virus in 2008, he would have won all tournaments as he usually did before the illness and he would have won at least 40 slams by now and etc. It's just really sad and unfortunate for the king of tennis Roger Federer got the sudden illness. I think God gave him the illness because Federer was winning everything so number 2 players like nadal and jokovic can win some in the era of Federer's illness.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Federer Nadal comment

I am surprised that Nadal didn't cheat in this match because Nadal usually cheats when he is about to lose...Nadal is the most hated player ever because not only Nadal is a notorious cheater but also he has extremely been lucky to win some tournaments while the king of tennis Roger Federer who used to win everything and dominate him all the time when he was healthy have been suffering from sudden serious illness from mono virus since 2008 ....Nadal just needs to retire because it's shame to win something while real number 1 is ill....

 that's the total bullshit nonsensical lie created by crazy Nadal fans... Federer win everything and dominated Nadal before he was ill from mono virus in 2008...the real reason Nadal only wins some tournaments since 2008 is because Roger Federer was getting sudden sickness in 2008... before Roger was sick, Nadal never could win anything other than french open while Roger won everything.....Roger Federer would have won over about 37 slams by now and Nadal only 4 slams by now, had he not sick from serious illness from mono virus....Nadal is nothing but just a extremely lucky bastard that real number 1 was suddenly getting illness in 2008...

nonsense...waiting for errors is nadal's game style which is the most extremely one demensional player ever.... Nadal can't produce winner so opponents just need not to make errors and play his game to beat Nadal...hoping opponents make errors is Nadal's game style because he lacks talent that he rarelly hits winners so he rely on endurance and patience to wait until opponent got tired and end up making errors...I agree that opponent should play his defensive game best to beat nadal but hoping for nadal to make errors is wrong because Nadal is a extremely defensive player so it's opposite that opponent just should be careful not to make errors and hit usual winners, and Nadal should hope for opponent to make errors as that is his game all the times...

Roger You are the best in your era because when you were healthy you dominated everything and Nadal...Nadal is just extremely lucky bastard to win some tournaments after you got serious illness from mono virus in 2008....

Monday, June 23, 2014

Nadal cant beat Federer unless Federer is ill

Nadal cant beat Roger unless Roger is ill. Roger dominated Nadal before He got ill from mono virus. after mono virus, his physical symptoms are visible and his speed of the ball suddenly dropped and his performance was significantly dropped. even non roger tennis fans knows this facts. Roger right before the illness used to win almost all tournaments he enters and Nadal never won any slams outside of french open before Roger got the mono virus. And its medical fact that mono virus stays foreverver

those who denies the facts in this site are Roger fans but Nadal fans who want to believe the lie that Roger was healthy after 2008 even thought he got the mono virus(soderling never returned after he got mono virus until now) and Nadal suddenly improved in 2008 and over thrown healthy Roger Federer. How can Nadal beat Roger?!? NO WAY!!!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Roger eat salt and drink water

Roger put 2 and half sea salt(not salt but only sea salt) into water and drink water a lot!!!! its very important for your overall health. you won't urinate much even though you drunk a lot because sea salt holds water inside your body. it will hydrate your body(the most important thing to a body after breathing) which gives you a lot strength to play tennis and better reaction time. you get a lot of sun so i wont talk about getting sun bath.

Sunday, January 26, 2014


페더러가 아프기전까지는 압도적이었는데, 갑자기 2008년에 모노 바이러스 오고 근육이 매마르고 나서 부턴 다신 자기 실력의 60퍼센트 실력발휘 못해졌음. 아프기 전에는 진짜 모든 대회를 다 휩쓸고 나달을 상대전적 빼고 모든 기록에서 압도했고, 상대전적도 사실 흙코트에서만 만났는데도 불구하고도 비슷했으니 페더러가 앞선거나 미찮가지고 특히 나달 스타일 적응 되고 나서 5-2로 바르고 계속 상대전적 격차로 벌릴 수 있었는데 갑자기 그 시점에 황제에게 모노 바이러스라는 병이 찾아 오다니T-T 슬프다 소덜링은 모노 걸리고 아직도 안돌아옴

인간 말종 나달팬

테니스 황제가 아픈 거 슬퍼하기는 커녕 나달이 페더러 모노로 아픈 거 때문에 잘나간다고, 남 아픈 거에다 대고 조롱질 밖에 못하는 인간말종 나달팬들 테니스팬도 아녀 반칙왕 나달이랑 인성동급 덜덜덜

Friday, January 24, 2014

nadal is talentless but just mentally strong

nadal always has tight matches and overcomes with his mental strength in the weakest era, indicating that he is not great in talent but i would say mentally very strong

Roger's backhand

01/24/2014 | 04:39 PM
Disagree with WALESFEDERATOR. Reason why nadal wins is because targets feds backhand. Sliced backhands, the occassional hard down the line (not natural for single handed) and high backhands to Rafa are only containing shots at best. Roger needs to expand his backhand shot repertoire. (i.e. winning backhand shots). There r shots that he could use and have better effect than EVEN a double handed backhand. I'll do a video if wants it.
Disagree with WALESFEDERATOR. Reason why nadal wins is because targets feds backhand. Sliced backhands, the occassional hard down the line (not natural for single handed) and high backhands to Rafa are only containing shots at best. Roger needs to expand his backhand shot repertoire. (i.e. winning backhand shots). There r shots that he could use and have better effect than EVEN a double handed backhand. I'll do a video if wants it.

Nadal is boring talentless defending style of tennis

Nadal's style is talentless defending style that cannot come up with winner unlike talented roger's style that produces tons of beautiful angles and winner. thus, ill roger who lost all his strength from mono virus need to imitate sadly talentless nadal's form of playing style to win tournaments. because talented style of roger tennis is not suitable after he lost all his muscle from mono virus. before monovirus, Roger win almost all tournaments and nadal could only won french. and nadal no2 alw

페더러 전성기때 세대가 지금보다 훨씬 셌고, 지금은 테니스 역사상 가장 약 한 세대지

나달팬들이 반대로 말하는 날조가 너무 심한데...페더러 전성기때 무엇보다도 중요한게 테니스 황제 페더러가 아프기 전이라 것과 그때는 진짜 부상전 나달, 로딕, 휴잇, 다비덴코, 사핀, 블레이크 조코비치 머레이... 특히 나달은 프렌치 이상은 못먹었었고 지금이 얼마나 약하냐면 부상당한 나달하나도 막을 선수가 없음...특히 페더러 아프기 전 시대 선수중 다비덴코는 나달 상대전적에서 앞섰고 로딕는 조코비치에 상대전적 앞섰음...로딕 전성기때 파워가 대단했는데 전성기 지나서 모노 바이러스로 은퇴하기  바로 전에도 나달을 하드코트에서는 이겨주는 선수였는데 지금은 그런 선수가 전무함..페더러 아프고 나서는 조코비치 나달정도 밖에 실력있는 선수가 없는 지금이 테니스 역사상 가장 약한시대 같다...

나달은 운이 너무 억세게 좋다

페더러가 아프기전까지는 압도적이었는데, 갑자기 2008년에 모노 바이러스 오고 근육이 매마르고 나서 부턴 다신 자기 실력의 60퍼센트 실력발휘 못해졌음. 아프기 전에는 진짜 모든 대회를 다 휩쓸고 나달을 상대전적 빼고 모든 기록에서 압도했고, 상대전적도 사실 흙코트에서만 만났는데도 불구하고도 비슷했으니 페더러가 앞선거나 미찮가지고 특히 나달 스타일 적응 되고 나서 5-2로 바르고 계속 상대전적 격차로 벌릴 수 있었는데 갑자기 그 시점에 황제에게 모노 바이러스라는 병이 찾아 오다니T-T  슬프다 소덜링은 모노바이러스 걸리고 아직까지 아파서 안돌아오고 있음 매일 토하고 많이 아픈가 봄...

roger was sick from mono virus and never pla

nadal is extremely lucky that roger got sick from mono virus in 2008, roger never played his 60 percent ever since the illness.. Roger was so dominant before the illness.
remember robin soderling?!? he still cannot play because he is so sick from mono virus which make him throw up every day. mono virus shrinked all king of tennis roger's muscle in 2008 and lose all his strength sadly...